Our core values are to improve the lives of people across Africa and enhance business growth and development of its people by providing one of the most essential commodities of life: Energy, clean Electrical Energy and also developing better renewable energy methods for a sustainable future.
SKYMAX SOLAR LIMITED is a technology company that develops and provides solutions to optimize the use of renewable energy that is safe, reliable and efficient. We provide sales, services and aftersales service of solar energy systems and accessories for residential, commercial and industrial consumers. Our projects also include solar mini-grids, rural electrification and general Electrical Engineering projects.
The company is in constant motion to improve and we collaborate with customers and clients across different professions to provide innovative ideas for a sustainable future. Our team of certified solar experts brings advanced, innovative and cost-effective solutions to every project we engage in. We have one of the most knowledgeable solar project teams in the industry and have numerous qualifications and experience to get the job done! Our designs are optimized to achieve the highest output and allow for efficient implementation. Our projects comply with local requirements in electrical codes and safety standards, as well as applicable building codes and guidelines. We also resolve technical and regulatory challenges by liaising with the responsible authorities and consulting with clients across the globe to achieve the best value.
We are located acoss Nigeria with head office in Ikoyi, Nigeria.